
黄琴+Hal Technology LLC


公司名称:黄琴+Hal Technology LLC

联 系 人 :黄琴


位于美国加利福利亚洲Hal Technology LLC是一家专业致力于环境监测仪器和传感器的研发、生产、销售的高科技企业。拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。Hal Technology汇集了美国各行业的优秀博士设计及制造人才,具有设计、制造大型非标准复杂试验设备的成熟经验和设计能力。同时由于公司拥有多年的传感器专业技术和各种环境设备开发设计的杰出能力和制造经验,美国政府给予了特别资助开发处于国际领先的传感器技术,其产品也受到世界各国客户的肯定和好评。以确保正品信誉, 该产品将从美国原产地直接发货到买家手中. Founded in 2004, Hal Technology is specialized in development, engineering, manufacturing and service of environmental sensors and monitoring instruments. We commit to provide a tool and solution to improve the environment where we live. The company has leveraged its superior engineering design team and its worldwide distribution and supporting teams to provide its customers with products of leading edge technology and superior values. Our products are always with customer focus and designed for simple use without losing quality, performance and functionalities.HalTech aims at offering comprehensive products and system solutions in a broad range of environmental monitoring instruments. HalTech is the only company to offer a handheld-portable hybrid particle counter and continues to revolutionize the industry through innovative design and development to meet customers' needs. Our customers are all over the world and reach all continents include well-known institutions and companies such as Boeing, Samsung, MIT, Caltech, NASA, Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL), Los Alamos National Lab, (LANL), Brookhaven National Lab (BNL), Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), National Research Council Canada, etc.The HalTech's current line of products includesClean environment instruments/systemsIndoor/outdoor air monitoring sensors/systemsIndustrial hygieneHalTech also offers a complete package of calibration, service, repair, training and consultation services.

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